Friends of Madrona Marsh

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A successful partnership of life, community, and the city of Torrance.

Plastic Solutions

Plastic pollution fouls our Preserve, community, and eventually, the world’s oceans. Its slowly increasing effects are being felt by life of all sizes and types.

Consumers can make a big dent in plastic pollution by finding new ways to avoid plastic. In this space readers can share how they are part of the plastic pollution solution. Here are some starter ideas below. These solutions won’t eliminate plastic pollution but every time you refuse plastic you are taking a step toward the solution.

featured Plastic Solutions idea contributor

Please send us an email and share your ideas. All viable ideas will be posted here. The best idea of the month wins a prize plus respect and honor for making a dent in plastic pollution.

Congratulations to Jim Montgomery for winning a $10 Trader Joe's Gift Card for his contribution!

Visit Tread Softly to read about, share your suggestions for, and reviews of eco-friendly products.

© 2014- Friends of Madrona Marsh. All rights reserved.
3201 Plaza del Amo, Torrance, CA 90503 | Tel: 310-782-3989
Website by UmeWorks